All primary and secondary schools in Canada are Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs), which means they can admit international students.

Not all post-secondary institutions – universities, college, and language school are DLIs. Non DLI cannot admit international students. To be issued a study permit, an acceptance letter must be from a DLI.

2. Designated Colleges

English language schools only

  • If you are interested in studying English Language only, Canada has a wide range of excellent English Language Schools to choose from.
  • We can find the right English Language program for you from beginner to advanced levels.

English language proficiency for college / university programs

  • To study in Canada, you must prove that you are proficient in English or French.
  • If you are from a non-English or non-French speaking country, or you did not study in either English or French, you will need to take an English or French proficiency test.
  • The most common English proficiency tests accepted in Canadian colleges and universities are TOEFL and IELTS, but others such as CAEL, CELPI, PTE, and Duolingo might be accepted by some institutions.
  • GOOD NEWS!! Most colleges and universities in Canada now have their in-house English Language Schools that provide bridging English language proficiency programs, which allows you admission in degree programs in those colleges and universities. If you have tried IELTS OR TOEFL without success, consider an English Language School in your prospective university.
  • Minor children under the age of 17 years come to Canada to attend elementary and secondary schools. Minor children can come to study in Canada if:
    • Their parent has study or work permit in Canada. Unaccompanied child must have a custodian in Canada.
    • They are attending primary or secondary school without parents (unaccompanied). Such children come to study to prepare for post-secondary education in Canada.

To receive a post-graduation work permit (PGWP), you must be in a PGWP eligible DLI and program. Not all designated learning institutions and not all programs of study make you eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program. However, you may still be eligible for another type of work permit.

As a recent (between 1- 5 years) Doctoral degree recipient or equivalent, or a health professional degree, a postdoc fellowship will offer you the chance to further your professional development, build on your research, and effectively transition from life as a student to that of an independent scholar. Canadian universities offer postdoctoral candidates the opportunity to collaborate with some of the world’s notable professors and researchers, and to work in an environment that supports and celebrates excellence. A postdoc fellowship can eventually open full time work opportunities in Canada or other parts of the world.